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Oracle RAC in AWS Enabled by FlashGrid

January 12, 2017

Great news! Our new white paper is out: Mission-Critical Databases in the Cloud: Oracle RAC on Amazon EC2 Enabled by FlashGrid® Software. It is now referenced by AWS. Also, we now provide an automated cluster provisioning tool for AWS and an AMI for it based on Oracle Linux 7.3. It takes only 10 minutes to get a new cluster running and ready for Grid Infrastructure installation. The Grid Infrastructure installation process is also simple, smooth, and well documented.

Here is a brief summary of the Oracle RAC cluster deployment process in AWS:
   1. Customize cluster configuration file: network parameters, instance types, storage volumes, etc.
   2. Run automatic cluster provisioning using flashgrid-aws-cluster-setup tool
   3. Install, patch, and configure Grid Infrastructure (response file and step-by-step instructions provided)
   4. Create data disk group(s) using flashgrid-create-dg assistant tool
   5. Install and patch Oracle Database software
   6. Create a database

For more details about the deployment process see the Automated Provisioning Guide.

Want to try Oracle RAC in AWS? Just send us an email and we will help you with a PoC.

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